Extreme ironing

The English East Midlands City of Leicester has never been known as a place of excitement or danger. Yet, in 1997 the city, often thought of as a little dull - mundane perhaps - gave birth to an extreme sport that combines the dangerous and exciting with the dull and mundane: extreme ironing. In years to come Leicester, famous for its fried chips topped with Red Leicester cheese, passionate football fans (the blue army) and nasal accent, will become better known for extreme ironing.
By 1998, the mood was right for a more mainstream recognition of the sport and extreme ironing moved from an underground (almost mystical)organisation and proclaimed itself as the ruling body of the now semi-official sport, known as the Extreme Ironing Bureau (EIB).
The sport that is 'extreme ironing' is an outdoor activity that combines the danger and excitement of an 'extreme' sport with the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt. It involves taking an iron and board (if possible) to remote locations and ironing a few items of laundry. This can involve ironing on a mountainside, preferably on a difficult climb, or taking an iron skiing, snowboarding or canoeing.
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